Volume XXXI, No. 2 – Fall 2016

Articles include “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – Gender, Olympic Competition and Persistence of the Feminine Ideal” by Linda Sheryl Greene, “FACEing Hate: Using Hate Crime Legislation to Deter Antiabortion Violence and Extremism” by Kelly Jo Popkin, and “The Right Side of History: Prohibiting Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Public Accommodations, Housing, and Employment” by Isaac Saidel-Goley. Comments include “Breast Density Legislation: The Valuable Role of Narratives in a Sexualized Disease” by Christina L. Brigg, “Title IX, and How to Rectify Sexism Entrenched in NCAA Leadership” by David Lanser, and “Gender Identity Debuts in Wisconsin Statutes: What It Means for Protecting Transgender Wisconsinites” by Tyler Stevenson.