Mission Statement
The Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society, originally the Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal founded in 1985, grew out of two traditions: the University of Wisconsin Law School’s “law in action” approach and the interdisciplinary design of gender studies. Through “law in action” we look beyond the statutes and cases to study the practical effects of the law on both individuals and communities. The interdisciplinary approach offers different perspectives through which to expand and challenge our understanding of the law.
The Journal, one of the earliest in the nation devoted to the study of women and the law, has strived to contribute insightful scholarship to this evolving field of study. Recognizing that women are a diverse group with differing beliefs and interests, and moreover that gender stereotyping of any kind inhibits each individual’s full equality under the law, we encourage articles that examine the intersection of law and gender with issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation.
We look forward to your contributions for it is through our discussions and debates that we fulfill the motto of the state of Wisconsin by moving “Forward.”
Student Involvement
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board includes the Editor in Chief, the Senior Note and Comment Editor, the Senior Managing Articles Editors, the Senior Submissions Editor, the Business Editor, the Symposium Editor, and the Diversity & Inclusion Editor. Editorial Board members are elected. The requirements for each position vary.
Writing Program
Students who wish to participate in the Journal‘s Writing Program must complete the write-on requirement. Write-on packets containing all of the information needed to apply for WJLGS membership are distributed toward the end of the Spring semester.
Editing Teams
The editing teams include Managing Articles Editors, Note and Comment Editors, and Submissions Editors. The editing teams are appointed by the outgoing board. The requirements for each position vary.
Cite-Checking Program
The Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society is currently the only journal at the University of Wisconsin Law School that encourages first-year involvement. First-year members of WJLGS check cite form and track down sources.
There is no write-on process for first-year students; those who wish to join need only attend cite-check training, successfully complete a cite-checking packet, and attend the final proofing sessions that occur before each article is sent to the publisher.