Volume XXX, No. 2 – Fall 2015

Comments include “Gender and Sex Designations for Identification Purposes: A Discussion on Inclusive Documentation for a Less Assimilationist Society” by Lauren Bishop, “Pom Poms, Pigskin & Jiggle Tests: Is It Time for the National Football League Cheerleaders to Unionize?” by Claudia Harke, and “Disproportionate Use of Deadly Force on Unarmed Minority Males: How Gender and Racial Perceptions Can Be Remedied” by Sarah Zwach.

Volume XXX, No. 1 – Spring 2015

Articles include “When Women Can’t Escape: A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Arbitrary Detention” by Sara Malkani, “Confronting the Gendered State: A Feminist Approach to Gender Inequality and Gender Violence in the United States and the Irish Republic” by Kris McDaniel-Miccio, and “What About Susan? Three’s Company, Not a Crowd: The Importance of Allowing Third Parent Adoptions When Both Legal Parents Consent” by Emily B. Gelmann. Comments include “Using Collective Bargaining to Combat LGBT Discrimination in the Private-Sector Workplace” by Yeongsik Kim and “Immigration Policy for Workplace Violence and Undocumented Women: State-Based Solutions for Wisconsin” by Gabriela Parra.